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Service & Support

Level 9 Displays is dedicated to providing professional service and strong support for its Clients 

"We believe your business success is our success and for that reason, it’s our responsibility to provide you with the best Canopies and Digital Displays that work now and in the future. And we stand ready to fix and resolve any issues with our robust service and support systems we've put in place with our Manufacturer Partners."

Here are just some of the companies that trust and use the products we sell and service.

Level 9 Displays is committed to providing the highest quality products and services; and continuously seeking the highest levels of customer satisfaction. We do this by working selectively with Manufacturing Partners that strive for excellence in product performance and deliver on key standards that include: ISO9001, CE, UL, ETL and FCC and industry leading warranties.


Warranty Service

Products shall be installed and used strictly aligned with the Installment Instructions and Cautions for Use stated in the product manual. If Products have defects of quality, materials, and manufacturing during normal use, Level 9 Displays and its Manufacturer Partners provide warranty service for Products under this Warranty Policy. 

Partner Manufacturer Service Offices

  • New York, NY  

  • Orlando, FLA

  • Van Nuys, CA

  • Las Vegas, NV

Warranty Service Types

Online Remote Free Technical Service

The remote technical guidance is provided through instant messaging tools such as telephone, mail,  and other means to help solve simple and common technical problems. This service is applicable for technical problems including but not limited to the connection issue of signal cable and power cable, system software issue of software use and parameter settings, and replacement issue of the module, power supply, system card, etc.

Return to Factory Repair Service

a) For problems of Products that can't be solved by online remote service, we, along with our Manufacturing Partners will confirm with the customers whether to provide returning to the factory repair service.

b) If factory repair service is needed, customer shall bear the freight, insurance, tariff and customs clearance for return delivery of the returned products or parts to a service station. And we will send back the repaired products or parts to customer and only bear one-way freight.

c) Level 9 Displays will reject unauthorized return delivery via pay upon arrival and will not be liable for any tariffs and custom clearance fees. Level 9 Displays shall not be held liable for any defects, damages or losses of the repaired products or parts due to transportation or improper package

Provide On-site Engineer Service for Quality Issues

a) If there is a quality issue as stipulated in our agreed to Warranty Policy in the purchase agreement, and Level 9 Displays and its Manufacturer Partner(s) believes the condition is necessary, on-site engineer service free of charge will be provided.

b) In this case, customer shall provide a fault report to Level 9 Displays for on-site service application. The content of the fault report shall include but not be limited to photos, videos, number of faults, etc., to enable Level 9 Displays to conduct preliminary fault judgment. If the quality problem is not covered by this Warranty Policy after the on-site investigation of Level 9 Displays’ and/or its Manufacturing Partner’s engineer, customer shall pay travel expenses and technical service fees under Level 9 Displays and or its Manufacturing Partner's standards.

c) Defective parts replaced by Level 9 Displays’ and/or its Manufacturing Partner’s on-site engineers shall be the property of Level 9 Displays.


No warranty liability shall be assumed by Level 9 Displays or its Manufacturer Partners for defects or damages due to the following conditions:

1. Unless written agreed otherwise, this Warranty Policy does not apply to consumables, including but not limited to connectors, networks, fiber optic cables, cables, power cables, signal cables, aviation connectors, and other wire and connections.

2. Defects, malfunctions or damages caused by improper use, improper handling, improper operation, improper installation/disassembly of the display or any other customer misconduct. Defects, malfunctions or damages caused during transportation.

3. Unauthorized disassembly and repair without permission of Level 9 Displays or its Manufacturer Partners.

4. Improper use or improper maintenance not in accordance with the product manual.

5. Man-made damages, physical damages, accident damages and product misuse, such as component defect damage, PCB board defect, etc.

6. Product damage or malfunction caused by Force Majeure Events, including but not limited to war, terrorist activities, floods, fires, earthquakes, lightning, etc.

7. The product shall be stored in a dry, ventilated environment. Any product defects, malfunctions or damages caused by storage in an external environment that does not comply with the product manual, including but not limited to extreme weather, humidity, salt haze, pressure, lightning, sealed environment, compressed space storage, etc.

8. Products used in conditions not meeting product parameters including, but are not limited to lower or higher voltage, extreme or excessive power surges, improper power conditions.

9. Defects, malfunctions, or damages caused by non-compliance with technical guidelines, instructions, or precautions during the installation.

10. Natural loss of brightness and color under normal conditions. Normal degradation in the performance of the Product, normal wear and tear.

11. Lack of necessary maintenance.

12. Other repairs not caused by product quality, design, and manufacturing.

13. Valid warranty documents cannot be provided. Product serial number is torn or damaged. Product shell or other external parts are damaged.

14. Repairs after Warranty Period.

15. Products which have too significant damages caused by mishandling, accidents, improper maintenance, and failure to comply with product manual to be prepared.

16. Products malfunctions caused by unmatched play or control devices that are not provided by Level 9 Displays or its Manufacturer Partners per original agreed to specs. If Products are damaged arising out of the aforementioned unmatched devices and require Level 9 Displays’ or its Manufacturer Partners’ repair, charging rate shall be as per the purchase agreement.

Warranty Service Process

Remote Service Process

Submit service requirements through website, email, telephone and other service channels of Level 9 Displays with a warranty card or contract number. Specific content of the service and contact information shall be provided.

Product Return to Repair Process

Submit service requirements through the website, email, telephone and other service channels of     Level 9 Displays with a warranty card or contract number. Packing list of the returned product and  postal information to receive the repaired product shall be provided.

a) Level 9 Display’s postal information as stipulated in the purchase agreement.

b) Customer instructions:

i. Shall provide a brief fault report (can be attached to the surface of the repaired item)

ii. Shall provide packing list (including contract number, model and quantity of the repaired item)

iii. Shall provide receipt postal information (co. name, address, consignee, contact information, etc)

iv. To avoid damages of the returned products during transportation, please be cautious about the package and protection of the products. Level 9 Displays and/or its Manufacturer Partners are not responsible for any damages to the returned products or parts during delivery.

On-site Engineer Service Process

Submit service requirements through the website, email, telephone and other service channels of Level 9 Displays with  a warranty card or contract number. Service content, site address, contact information, and visa application information shall be provided.

General Terms

This Warranty Policy is a standard application of Level 9 Displays. No other third party (including any agent, distributor or sales representative) is authorized to make any representations or warranties that are different from this Warranty Policy. Unless otherwise confirmed by  in written forms of contract or other documents, any warranty clauses that conflict with this Warranty Policy shall be deemed to be automatically invalid. Final power of interpretation of this Warranty Policy shall be vested in Level 9 Displays. 

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